Don’t Throw Out Your Old Clothing; Donate It Instead

Helping military families

Research shows that about 12 million tons of clothing are thrown away every year, and the recovery rate for recyclable clothing items in the U.S. is only about 15 percent. Beyond being extremely wasteful and clogging landfills it also wastes a resource that can be reused. A good portion of the clothing that is thrown away each year is in good enough shape that it could be donated. Donated clothing can help those in need in more ways than one.

When you donate clothes you offer a source of a cheap necessity for those who don’t have a lot of money. Clothing donations are often given away by homeless shelters and charitable organizations to people in need. This can ensure that these people have the appropriate clothing they need, including coats, hats and gloves for when the weather turns cold.

Clothes donations can also help those in need in another way. Organizations such as Goodwill take donated clothing and other items and sell them in their thrift stores each year. This provides an inexpensive source of clothing to those in need while raising needed funds for the organization itself. Donating clothes that can be sold in thrift stores also provides jobs for people who need them.

There are a number of ways you can donate your clothing. Organizations such as Goodwill and the Salvation Army take donations directly at store and other locations. Some organizations have drop off boxes that are at central locations where you can take your used clothing. Some organizations also offer used clothing pick up to make the process easier for you. With a used clothing pick up, a truck will come to your home to pick up any clothing you are willing to part with.

In addition to helping out charities by donating clothing, you also can help yourself. Any clothing donation you make to a qualified charitable organization is deductible from your taxes just as a cash donation would be. To ensure your deductibility, you need to make sure you get a receipt from whatever charity you donate to. There are online guides that can help you determine the worth of the clothing you donated and how much you can deduct from your tax return.

Donating used clothing is a worthwhile endeavor that has benefits both for you and the world at large.

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