We?re girls, we love clothes, but we’re told so much about what we can and can?t wear. Truth is, if you feel beautiful in it, you are beautiful in it.
Month: October 2015

The 3 Biggest Don’ts of Hair Extensions That Everyone Should Know AboutThe 3 Biggest Don’ts of Hair Extensions That Everyone Should Know About
As they become increasingly affordable and talked about in the media, more women than ever before are choosing to visit hair salon stores across the country to get hot fusion

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Dollars (Or Likes)A Picture is Worth a Thousand Dollars (Or Likes)
We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. But what’s a picture’s monetary worth? It can be surprisingly high, given the context. We humans are visual creatures.

What You Need To Know Before You Start An Instructional Body Piercing ApprenticeshipWhat You Need To Know Before You Start An Instructional Body Piercing Apprenticeship
Have you ever wanted to become a body piercer? The art of becoming a body piercer is just as challenging and exciting as the art of body piercing itself. Many

Why We All Need a Pajama Onesie for Adults In Our ClosetsWhy We All Need a Pajama Onesie for Adults In Our Closets
Sleep is a beautiful thing, but some of us are unable to get enough of it with work, family, and other distractions taking you away from sweet sleep. Recent surveys