The 3 Biggest Don’ts of Hair Extensions That Everyone Should Know About

How to sew hair extensions in

As they become increasingly affordable and talked about in the media, more women than ever before are choosing to visit hair salon stores across the country to get hot fusion extensions and sew in hair extensions. It’s estimated that the number of hair salons offering hair extensions has gone up an incredible 28.5% over the last two years.

However, with more people getting hair extensions comes an increase in the number of mistakes people make when wearing and caring for their extensions. Given that these extensions can be a huge investment, it’s crucial to care for your new locks properly.

Could you unknowingly be making your new hairdo a major hair don’t? Find out with this list of the top three don’ts of wearing sew in hair extensions:

Don’t: Make a drastic change in texture

In addition to your natural hair color, you also have a unique hair texture that you should consider before getting hair extensions. If you have thick, coarse hair, don’t get extensions with fine, silky strands — they’ll look noticeably different from your natural hair. Typically, hair comes in three textures: straight, wavy and curly. Always get extensions that match your own texture.

Don’t: Over-commit

Additionally, you should decide which type of hair extensions work best for your needs and maintenance requirements. Before getting any sew weave hairstyles, consider the fact that these extensions can stay in for as long as six months! If you’re looking for a more temporary style, you may want to go with clip in extensions instead.

Don’t: Go too long

Lastly, while it may be tempting to add several inches of length to your sew weave hairstyles, hair extensions look their most natural when they’re two to three inches longer than your natural hair. And remember that while a set of extensions may say they’re 15 inches long, they won’t appear this long when they’re sewn in higher up on your head.

Have any other questions about getting the right hair extension services from a hair salon shop near you? Ask us anything by leaving a comment below.e

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