It’s a long time coming. You had some great living room furniture ideas, and you’ve been dwelling on them for months. Now that you’ve finally saved up a handsome bit of money, you’re ready to take those imaginary living room sets out of your head, and get them in your house.
As zealously as you might want to storm your local modern home furnishings store, take a second to pause and consider the fact that living room furniture is the third most expensive investment you’ll make in your life. Should you really be so reckless about this investment?
If you want to get the best value on living room furniture, then consider these secrets that home furnishing stores don’t want you to know!
Try the Cushions Out.
Your living room furniture should have firm cushions, because the firmer they are, the longer they’ll last. This is true whether you buy fabric or leather furniture.
Make Sure the Legs Are Made of Wood.
The legs of your living room furniture should be made of wood and jointed with the furniture frame–not glued, nailed, or stapled, as these are more likely to break. Metal, rubber, or plastic legs are not only less aesthetically pleasing, but will also damage your floors. Plus, they won’t as long either.
Inspect the Springs.
If you want living room furniture that feels softer, you should look for pieces that have zigzag coils. If you like pieces that are firm on the other hand, look for living room furniture that has traditionally coiled springs. When you’re inspecting these coils, press down on them to see if they spring back immediately, which they should.
If you keep these pointers in mind as you shop for living room furniture, you’ll have no problems finding the highest value pieces your budget will allow. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. Find more on this here: esprit-decor.com