Allergies can make a person absolutely miserable. Though most people think of allergies as red eyes and sinus irritation, they can also show up in other ways. For example, people can experience hives and skin rashes that can be a result of an allergic reaction. In any case, allergies can be so severe that the person is really unable to concentrate on anything or even sleep at night in some cases. This is why if you have severe allergies, it is a good idea to go to a doctor.
If you are dealing with allergies, it is possible that you have many questions that you might want to ask a doctor. For example, you might wonder, do I have hayfever? What about allergy symptoms dizziness happens alongside? Where can I find the nearest allergy treatment center? Am I allergic to something if I break out in hives every time I eat it? What is the best anti-food allergy medicine that I can get over the counter? Generally, a doctor will be able to answer these questions for you, although they may need to examine you some more in order to figure out what the answers might be that specifically apply to you.
Allergies can make a person absolutely miserable. Though most people think of allergies as red eyes and sinus irritation, they can also show up in other ways. For example, people can experience hives and skin rashes that can be a result of an allergic reaction. In any case, allergies can be so severe that the person is really unable to concentrate on anything or even sleep at night in some cases. This is why if you have severe allergies, it is a good idea to go to a doctor.
If you are dealing with allergies, it is possible that you have many questions that you might want to ask a doctor. For example, you might wonder, do I have hayfever? What about allergy symptoms dizziness happens alongside? Where can I find the nearest allergy treatment center? Am I allergic to something if I break out in hives every time I eat it? What is the best anti food allergy medicine that I can get over the counter? Generally, a doctor will be able to answer these questions for you, although they may need to examine you some more in order to figure out what the answers might be that specifically apply to you.
Everyone knows the feeling of having a persistently annoying — and frustrating — mosquito bite that just won’t quit. It feels like it’s on fire, and between the constant itching, scratching, rubbing, and even picking — just go ahead and admit it — you feel as if you’re going crazy. The area becomes red, inflamed, and may even feel as though its on fire. Try as you might to soothe the itching and tickling of this bite, it still continues. Over the counter anti-itch creams, lotions, potions, and ointments do little to do nothing to bring you relief.
And because of the constant itching and scratching, the appearance of your skin has taken a turn for the worse in terms of inflammation, redness, swelling, and maybe even some oozing. For people with darker skin tones, you may even experience some temporary post-inflammatory darkening or scarring, serving as a sore reminder of your mosquito bite. Even for people that have fair skin, post-inflammatory scarring can still occur and may leave behind a faint red mark.
Yup. All this pain with no gain all because of a tiny little mosquito.
Now imagine experiencing this day in, day out, night in, night out, all year round, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, constantly and non-stop. Now imagine that this persistent itching, burning, and inflammation is taking place over your entire body. Doesn’t sound like very much fun, does it? Nope, not at all. Unfortunately, this is something that sufferers of autoimmune skin disorders and allergies such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and more experience on a regular basis.
The causes of autoimmune disorders and allergies are not exactly known. While many experts agree that these conditions are linked to genetics, they can also be brought on by certain external factors, such as exposure to or consumption of chemicals and pollutants, including the toxic pesticides and genetically modified crops used in the foods people consume on a regular basis. For people with a family history of autoimmune disorders and allergies, it’s especially important to avoid external triggers and irritants at all cost, as they can only exacerbate symptoms!
One of the best ways to avoid external triggers and irritants that make skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis is to take a good look at what you’re sleeping on. After all, you spend at least a third of your life sleeping if not more, so it wouldn’t it make sense to make sure your all your flat sheets, fitted sheets, pillow cases, and linens weren’t somehow contributing to your skin discomfort?
It’s a well known fact that bed sheets and linen sheets such as flat sheets are home to microscopic dust mites, which feed off of dead human skin. Although dust mites can’t be seen by the human eye, their damage can definitely be a painful eyesore — literally! Dust mites are well known for making respiratory and skin allergies worse, and make eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis sufferers suffer even more. As such, it’s important to wash fitted and flat sheets in hot water and a gentle detergent meant for skin allergy sufferers on a regular basis, ideally once a week.
You may even want to invest in organic linen sheets, including flat sheets, as these may be gentler on dry, sensitive, and itchy skin. Unlike most cotton, organic cotton is grown and processed with toxic pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals that have been known to trigger respiratory, skin, and digestive orders. Since organic cotton flat sheets have contain none of these chemical irritants, many people find them better for delicate and easily irritated skin.
On a related note, be wary of what kinds of detergents, shampoos, lotions, and body products you put on your skin. As the largest organ, your skin serves a variety of purposes. And although it acts as a barrier, it’s still a porous one. Did you know that majority of what you put on your skin is absorbed directly into your bloodstream? Yikes! Using natural, organic, and plant based products can dramatically reduce and improve symptoms of sensitive, itchy skin. You’ll be surprised and relieved!