There’s an easy way for you and your family to help others without having to spend a lot of money. Clothing donations, of men, women and children’s clothing, can help many charities to fund their programs. The donated clothing and household goods are sold to people looking for quality merchandise at affordable prices, and the proceeds are used to help veterans and other causes like the environment. Military donations can be dropped of at many convenient locations, or you can schedule a pick up for a large donation.
How it works
If you’re like most families, you probably have a basement or garage full of clothes that are in perfectly good condition but that aren’t being worn. These could be clothes that the kids have outgrown, or you’ve gotten bored with wearing, or clothes that no longer fit. However, instead of throwing these out, you could instead make a charitable donation. They will be sold in a thrift store run by a charity, to raise funds for their programs.
In 2007, charitable foundations received $5.8 billion worth of clothing. This is a model that helps everyone concerned: the people who buy the used clothing, the charities that raises finds for their programs, and the causes like veterans and the environment that are the recipient of the programs.
Who buys used clothing?
You may wonder why anyone would want to buy your used clothing. The answer is simple: people love to look for clothing bargains and there’s almost no better place to go bargain hunting than charity thrift shops. People donate used clothing that is still in good condition. This is where shoppers can stock up on useful items like coats, hats, gloves, scarves for the entire family at low prices.
Among other bargains, charity stores have good quality clothes suitable for work or for job interviews, available at a fraction of their original cost. In fact, on average, Americans buy 10 pounds of used clothing each year. And besides, there’s the fun and excitement of thrift shopping, when you can find bargains and unusual designs that aren’t available anywhere else.
How military donations help charities
Proceeds from the sale of charity donations are used to fund programs to support veterans and the environment, among other causes. Military donations support health, education and family support programs for veterans and their families.
Charitable clothing donations serve another important purpose, by keeping used clothes out of landfills. In the U.S., as much as 12 million tons of clothing and textile waste is put out in the trash each year. From there it goes to already overcrowded landfills. By donating clothing to charity instead, you’re keeping it out of the landfills and helping the environment.
Military donations are an easy way to get rid of your family’s used clothing without putting it in the trash. Your old clothes will be valued by someone who just needs a winter coat or kids winter boots but is on a tight budget. And finally, charities will use the money raised from sales to fund their work.