Couples finding more and more ways to jazz up their wedding reception. One way is to get sparkles for weddings to brighten the next for your big exit. If you are having a wedding at night, this can add some fun and sparkle to your event.
- If you are planning ti go this route, you need to make sure your venue will allow sparklers for weddings. Many venues do allow them but before you sign on with an event venue, you need to make sure that is going to be allowed at the venue.
- Invest in higher quality sparklers for a wedding. The wrong sparklers for weddings can make the experience bad for everyone. This is not where you want to save money. You can get them in several designs. The smaller sizes are 10 inches and 20 inch sparklers. They last for about two and a half minutes. The longer 36 inch sparklers will last about four minutes. Traditional sparklers only last about 45 seconds. You can get smoke free sparklers.
- Get the amount of sparklers for weddings. Not everyone who RSVPs with a yes will show up at your event. You should plan to have enough for roughly 75% of them will show up. The amount of 75% should cover your needs in this area.
- Plan your exit with the deejay, photographer and videographer. You do not want the people who are recording your wedding reception to miss your exit. You will have to coordinate with the Deejay to have them inform your guests about the plans with your sparklers for weddings.
- Designate someone to cue everyone else. There are a lot of things that need to happen when you have sparklers for weddings. You want to have them all be lighted at the appropriate time. Having someone tell the photographer, videographer and deejay all when it is go time, you will reduce your stress level and help everyone stay on the same page.
- This process will take some choreography and planning. You need your guests to spread out a little so everyone remains safe and enough space. You also need to plan a route that is wide enough. Sparklers for weddings throw off a lot of sparks. Everyone holding them should remain three feet or more from you so there is no chance of catching on fire when you make your departure.
- The sparkler process is not a child friendly part of the day. Keep all small children away from using the sparklers for weddings. Even the best sparklers are basically, thin metal stabbers that will be set on fire. Even when used properly, they can get very hot. If you have young people at your wedding and they want to be part of the fun, you can get bubbles for them so they can be a part of it but will not be at risk for being hurt.
- Plan for the lighting and disposal after. You should do whatever you can to make it easy for the people let your wedding to be able to light the sparklers for weddings. You it also plan for the disposal of them afterwards. The lighting issue is one reason to spring for the better quality of sparklers. If you have candles on the tables near your planned exit route, your guests will have an easier time lighting the sparklers for weddings. Metal trash cans or pails can be good for the disposal of used sparklers.
- Give each guest who will participate in the sparkler part of your event at least two. Some always fail and having a backup is always a good idea. Then they can even use the second one and get you all the way to your getaway car and not peter out before you have left the wedding reception.
Adding good quality sparklers for weddings can add fun and light to the end of the event. The pictures you can get are really nice and special. It does take some planning if you want to have them at your function but it is ultimately totally worth it. Your guests will enjoy it and the photos will last a lifetime.