Botox treatments aren’t just for socialites, celebrities and soccer moms anymore. Men are turning out in record numbers seeking Botox treatments — or “Bro-tox as it so aptly has been named — in pursuit of a more youthful, radiant appearance. In fact, dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons have seen more than a 300% increase in the amount of male clientele receiving anti-aging and wrinkle treatments over the course of the last decade.
There are several reasons why more men are using Botox and other injectable fillers such as Juvederm. As a whole, going under the knife or needle has now become the new normal, so much so that people no longer bat an eye if someone has had “work done”. Once regarded as vain or taboo, cosmetic surgery and in-office procedures are widely accepted, if not expected, especially for those who work in the public eye. Male celebrities who undergo cosmetic surgery and use Botox, such as Bruce Jenner, have shown men that cosmetic procedures are acceptable. The use of Botox treatments in middle-aged woman — and younger — has become so commonplace it’s difficult to imagine there was a time when such procedures were frowned upon (no pun intended).
This new acceptance has encouraged men to pursue the benefits of Botox just as their female counterparts have. However, many men now view Botox as a necessity. Following the financial and economic crisis, thousands of middle-aged works lost their jobs to lay offs, forcing many out of lifetime careers. Newly laid off workers were thrust into a job market that was much more competitive than generations past. They were now competing with tech-savvy millennials fresh out of college and eager to work for lower wages. As such, middle-aged men felt it necessary to attain a more youthful appearance in order to give themselves an edge over the competition.
Their concern is justified. The majority of middle-aged workers feel that they have experienced age discrimination both while job hunting and while on the job. Furthermore, research has shown that middle-aged job hunters spend significantly more time looking for work and interviewing than younger hunters. It’s no wonder that middle-aged men entering a ferociously competitive job market will do anything to make a good first impression and get their foot in the door.
Also, 50 is said to be the new 30. There’s no doubt that middle-aged women are looking younger and living longer than past generations due to advances in medicine and technology. Men don’t want to get left behind either. Many are inspired by their wives and girlfriends, and feel the need to enhance their own appearance.
Though the use of injectables is now accepted, controversy still continues to circulate. However, regardless of the debates, the proof is in the pudding: the benefits of “Bro-tox” and the need which encouraged men to turn to it are undeniable. Check out this website for more.
CharmsVille Laser spider vein treatment,Leg vein treatment,Thermage results Why More Men Are Becoming “Bro-tox” Obsessed